Working out of Latvia, Riga, artist Ilgvars Zalans creates lush, vibrant pieces that are at once unsettling for their mashed up textures as they are eerily and awkwardly beautiful. Of his art, he says: ‘I focus on images and motifs that are fundamental, archetypal, and universal in human experience, as opposed to those that are socially determined’.
В художественной галерее центрального офиса банка Rietumu в Риге открылась выставка Илгвара Заланса одного из наиболее известных сегодня в Европе и Азии современных латвийских художников. В экспозиции представлены его последние работы, навеянные впечатлениями от годичного путешествия в Китай и Малайзию.
Latvian artist Ilgvars Zalan’s recently travelled to Lisbon, Portugal, where je undertook the Long Journey, Short Reunion project, a ‘series of paintings and performances devoted to documenting charismatic cultural facts’. It’s all part of the world tour of art performances which will see him journey to France, Korea, Norway, Finland, Belgium, Singarpore and Greece, among many other destinations, to unveil his unique aesthetic sensibilities.
For Ilgvars Zalans, the traditional perspective is tied up not only to the geometry of the vision, but also to a specific static-quantitative relationship of the senses. In the perspective the sight assumes the character of dominion and perceptive control; the sight is the only sense that creates the illusion of spaces uniforms and connected.
The most enjoyable moment is when I know or I feel that it is possible to finish it (the artwork). I wouldn’t say ‘enjoy’ it is more like some kind of therapy for my soul. When I make art, I am healing myself. I need to receive some energy for surviving in this World.
Ilgvars Zalans, parcourt le monde à la recherche de nouvelles sources d’inspirations. Ses peintures sont présentes dans de nombreux musées et collections publiques de Lettonie et de Lituanie. Réalisées à l’huile, souvent lors de performances publiques accompagnées de musiques festives du folklore russe, ses toiles transcrivent l’intensité de la vie et du mouvement des capitales qui l’accueillent par des tracés vigoureux et alertes qui incluent au hasard des rencontres des collages d’éléments fantaisistes.
Rietumu Bankas centrālā biroja mākslas galerijā Rīgā atklāta Ilgvara Zalāna – viena no pašlaik Eiropā un Āzijā pazīstamākajiem Latvijas mūsdienu māksliniekiem – izstāde. Ekspozīcijā iekļauti viņa jaunākie darbi, kurus iedvesmojis gadu ilgais ceļojums uz Ķīnu un Malaiziju.